The VLE component of the approach I'm taking acts as both a store of information and resources, and a platfrom for reflective personalized learning units which students can use to deepen and broaden their understanding of an area of work. They are also working in pairs to develop a series of blogs focusing on the concepts which make up the Key Stage 3 (11-14 year olds) programme of study for Geography, e.g. on interdependence etc. These blogs are intended to be a thinking and development space for a 20 minute lesson which each pair will teach to the rest of the group in a month's time. There are various other components which are being developed alongside this.
I've also focused on developing a more flexible physical space for learning. The room which sessions are held in is a standard teaching room with interactive whiteboard and room to seat about 16 students. By introducing webbooks, collapsable tables and four small white boards around the room, we're beginning to experiment with alternative layouts, ways of learning etc to develop alternative learning environments even though we are restircted by the original (early 20th century) architecture.
My main area of interest in setting up these various changes is to develop our understanding of the linkages we want and need to make between the face to face developments and the computer mediated developments.
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